
Another Open Letter

 Sometimes a written format blows up, and we read it so many times we're totally fed up with it, but it works. Case in point: the open letter. Here's the thing: it does work, and I have thoughts to share-- well, openly. An Open Letter to My Students Dear 2020 Remote Middle School Students; You. Are. The. Reason. I. Do. This. Job. I want to be especially sure this year, that you don't forget this. You see, this year, I cannot bring donuts to class or pass out candy. I cannot wave at you in the hall or make a lame joke if I see you in another teacher's class. I cannot hug you. This year, I am teaching in an entirely remote setting and the absolute best I can hope for is your emails and my visits with you in a Zoom call. Today, a young lady apologized in advance for the fact that she would probably "annoy" me again soon with her emails-- maybe one day she'll read this and recognize herself, and I want her to know my reaction was genuine. I laughed and told he
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